Nero Hawley Gravesite

Per the Trumbull Times:
Nero Hawley, a slave in Connecticut who joined the Continental Army during the American Revolution, was buried at the Riverside Cemetery back in the early 1800s along with other historical people of the time.
Nero Hawley was born in 1742 and died in 1817 at the age of 75.
He served at the Valley Forge during the winters of 1777 and 1778, and is featured in the book From Valley Forge to Freedom.
Below Hawley’s headstone, there is a platform which states “Nero Hawley made bricks at the kiln where these bricks were made about 1/2 mile north of here at the clay pits. Circa 1776-1800.”
Nero’s gravestone is located in the center row, near the far end of the cemetery.
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